Fake Feminism: What Feminism is, What It is Not, & How to Spot a Pseudo-Feminist

So many people, unfortunately, grossly misunderstand the meaning of feminism and the objective of the feminist movement. Some think feminism means women want to be men, while others think feminism means women want to be superior to men. But neither represent the truth of the idea, and when both sexes are at war, it can be almost impossible to gain some clarity.

Feminism is the belief that both men and women are equal human beings.
The movement wasn’t about becoming identical or superior to men, or deleting men from existence. Nor was it about absolving women of all sense of personal responsibility or blaming the entire gender of men for the actions of some of it’s members. It was about developing a balanced view of gender, spreading the message that women are human beings, not objects to be controlled, that having a vagina doesn’t make us inferior, and that having a penis does not entitle a man to control our bodies.
It was the fight to give women an equal chance in education, economics, politics, and society, and to be regarded as capable of achievement, rather than lacking in intelligence and ambition because of our gender. The feminist movement was the pushback against being forced to play roles that served the belief that men are better, more powerful than women, and entitled to a woman’s existence.
Of course, there are people who do fully understand the concept, but don’t, and probably never will, believe that women also are human beings, let alone equal to men. Fortunately, this article isn’t for them.

Now let’s talk about what feminism isn’t and the pseudo-feminist women who hide their disdain for men behind the label of feminist.
They say things like “all men are trash,” and verbally attack other women who don’t hold the same sentiment. They generalize the behavior of men based on specific instances, and call any woman who points out their faulty reasoning a “pick-me” or accuse her of having internalized misogyny. These pseudo-feminist women are also hypocritical. They hate all men, but fawn over any man who fits their aesthetic or financial desires. They condemn all men, but then praise their standard of man in the same sentence.

Pseudo-feminists could be a big problem for people who genuinely want to improve their relationship with the opposite sex.
Other than their illogical statistical conclusions about the male population as a whole, and their unreasonable conclusions about the character of the women brave enough to confront them, they seem more willing to voice their opinions, than are women with a difference in opinion. And, because they hide behind the label of feminism, it would make it tough to differentiate between them and actual feminists, if you don’t fully understand what feminism is or how to spot these women.

Fake feminism is not about promoting equality of the sexes or encouraging a more balanced view of gender.
Pseudo-feminist women are motivated by the desire to dominate and retaliate against all men, with no regard for the character of each individual man. They believe that the male gender is a monolith, and confuse acknowledging the existence of men who treat women well with denying the existence of men who don’t.
They lack the understanding that just as the characters of all women are not the same, the characters of all men are not the same either, yet if you explain this basic level of sense to them, if you remind them that there are men out there who are decent human beings, that have integrity and actually like women, be prepared for an ambush of verbal attacks from them and their platoon of hench-women.
These women aren’t fighting for women’s right to be treated equally, they are fighting to have their misandry validated, and their lack of personal accountability justified. Pseudo-feminist women hold the same beliefs about women as misogynistic men. They believe women are to be seen and not heard, that women who express their sexual nature outside of marriage are morally corrupt, that women who prefer to earn money or obtain education, rather than stay at home raising children are women who “want to be men,” that women who dress in revealing clothing are “sluts,” and “whores,” that women who stand up for themselves are “crazy,” and “delusional,” and other nonsensical thoughts.
Pseudo-feminists believe they are special. This type goes into relationships with obviously misogynistic men, expecting him to recognize how special she is, but when he treats her like he treats every other woman, which is terribly because he hates women, she becomes angry and bitter, refusing to recognize how narcissistic and misogynistic she is, blaming her failure and lack of awareness on the entire male gender (cue the “all men are trash, and don’t want a good woman” storyline).
No honey, you expected a man who made it clear that he doesn’t respect women to treat you, a woman, with respect. That’s not all men, that’s you.

I’m spilling the tea.
With so many changes happening in our world today and our ability to use social media to build a platform to get our message out there, I think it’s important we are aware of those among us who exploit the weaknesses in society to further their own selfish agendas.
Pseudo-feminists are apart of that group.
Real feminists do not hate or hold negative opinions about all men, only the ones who continue to uphold the lie of male supremacy.